Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas...Everyone.

The Lord came to me a little early this year – in way more than a manger. Not that he'd ever been away, I just hadn't been paying enough attention. Unfortunately, in my case, my star was about the size of a ping-pong ball in my pancreas.
Thankfully, even though the ping pong ball is gone, the light still shines. I hope that God's light finds you this Christmas and throughout the New Year.

I made my first post-op visit to my surgical oncologist (my revered Dr. August) today (Christmas Eve). He gave me full clearance to enjoy my Christmas. If nothing else, my timing has been good. I went in for my Whipple procedure on the Monday after Thanksgiving – so got to enjoy that. I've been able to be home with the kids for the holiday season. And now I can wait up for Santa tonight.

It's been all about recovering from this major surgery since Dec 1st. The cancer, and fighting it further, is secondary right now. We'll get to that after New Years.

I've had two ports in my abdomen since the surgery. Til today!
The one was a feeding tube that hasn't been used since the day before my discharge from Robert Wood Johnson Hospital (on 12/7). It's been there in the event that my new and reduced digestive system didn't tolerate food well. Fortunately, that has not been the case at all. I've been eating like a champ and have recovered more than half of the pounds I'd lost. The other port has been collecting leakage from my newly assembled piping. The volume has been decreasing in the 2+ weeks since I've come home. The volume is so small now that the amazing human body can manage it (the healing) without this artificial collection system. Each came out relatively painlessly.
I also learned from Dr. August that I should not be lifting >10 pounds until February – which really surprised me. I've already crossed that line actually. But with the danger of having a hernia, I'll try and stay on the safe side of it for the next several weeks. Also, surprisingly, he gave me the go-ahead to drive. – which I actually don't feel quite up to. I'll just work on getting in my walking in for now.

Next up is my first appointment with my medical oncologist, Dr. Bruno Fang, on January 2nd, to start a new year of healing.

So…please go out and celebrate Christmas with your loved ones. This is the beginning of so many good things to come. We all have much to be thankful for. Remember those with less. Hug the kids extra. Peace and love…


Hal said...

You are an inspiration Franco! Glad to hear of the progress and really happy for you and the family to be able to share a peaceful holiday together! Cherish and Enjoy!

Merry Christmas!

AllenY said...

"...and to all, a good night." Blessings are with you and your family, Franco. Thank you for sharing with us. Glad to hear that your digestive system has mended so well. May it be 100% for the picnic! Best wishes to you and all of our families

shaq said...

Dear Franco & Jacqueline & kids,

A wonderful Christmas blessing & the advent of a new Year full of light and love as you continue on your path of health, wealth & wisdom! My thoughts continue to be with all of you along with my prayers for your highest healing good. Can't wait until you're at a recovery place when I can come & see you live & in person! Until then, you're doing splendidly along your race -- keep your pace and sight open since you are definitely going in the right direction!

Peace, Joy & Love,
Cindy (aka "Shaq")

heidi said...
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heidi said...

Dear Franco, Jacqueline and Kids

Thank you for sharing your blog with us, we wish you a complete recovery and all the best for you and your family and may New Year bring you much happiness, love and health.

Heidi, Sergio and Family

December 29, 2008 6:29 PM said...

Happy New Year, Franco.